Summer is a great time to let your skin go on holiday, so it's a good idea to de-clutter your skincare routine. Think about whether you really need to bring along a 7-step Korean skincare routine, including lotions and serums, or whether you can get by with just a few versatile, quality products this summer. The three essentials in your skincare routine are cleansing, moisturising and protection. This means a maximum of three skincare products, which you can even compromise on by considering whether a 'multi-purpose' product would suit your needs. And the same "less is more" idea probably applies to your hair. So make sure to only pack the essentials in your suitcase and the case is that many swear by multipurpose products only.
♡ If you're travelling in nature in the summer, it's worth considering how to reduce your chemical load on products that leach into water bodies, such as detergents and sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens not only pollute coral reefs but also our domestic waterways, not to mention our microbiome. So choose a certified natural cosmetic product with a physical protection as your sunscreen, which is a safer alternative for both your skin's microbiome and our waterways. Good options are for example available from Biosolix, Madára and Alga Maris.
♡ The nature lover will opt for Rhassoul clay mixed with water as a cleansing product, which gently cleanses both the scalp and face (including sunscreen residue!) without drying out the skin. The clay does not eutrophicate water bodies, so you can even wash with it in a forest pond. The mineral-rich Rhassoul clay is suitable for all skin types and, as it is fragrance-free and surfactant-free, it is also suitable for sensitive skin and other skin problems.
Tip on how to use: Mix 1 teaspoon of Rhassoul clay with clean lake water in the palm of your hand to form a loose, soft gel. Apply the mixture to the skin in a circular motion, cleansing the face thoroughly, and rinse clean in the lake water. Repeat for the body using about 1-2 tablespoons of clay. You can also use Rhassoul clay to make a cleansing and cooling mask by reducing the amount of water to make the mixture stickier. Leave on for 10-15 min before rinsing off.
♡ Good hydration is the key for balanced skin in both summer and winter. In summer, many people's skin enjoy lighter emulsions that are easily absorbed and hydrated nicely. My personal favourite at the moment is Dr Hauscka's Quince Moisturiser, which quenches even the thirstiest skin. The range has several options for different skin types.
For multipurpose product lovers, I recommend trying Moi Forest Multipurpose Cream as a moisturiser or face mask. The cream's dark colour fades when applied to the skin and its nourishing formula is particularly suitable for dry and sensitive skin.
It can be hard for a cosmetics fan to let go of multiple skincare routines and all the cute packaging that comes with the products in use. But a few months of cosmetics detox is good for all types of skin. Let your skin breathe, remember to be moderate with sun exposure and protect your skin with hats, scarves and sunscreens. Also moisturise and nourish your skin internally with seasonal vegetables and berries, sugar-free fruit juices, pure water, not forgetting minerals.Let your skin enjoy natural waters and light. Take a nap in a hammock or enjoy a summer night on a cliff. Have a summer that's all your own, listening to yourself, enjoying friends and the wonders of nature. Have a wonderful summer!
PS. Moi Forest's forest dust® creams act as a summer holiday SOS, quelling the itchiness caused by insect bites and soothing sunburns. 😉